We admitted 2 babies on consecutive days with respiratory distress caused by a lung
infection. When I saw the first one and the baby was breathing 100 times a minute (normal is less than 60) and had an oxygen saturation of 60 percent (normal above 92 percent), I told the mother that the child was very sick, but that we would try. We started antibiotics and IV fluids. The next day, another infant was admitted in an even worse condition breathing 120 times a minute and with a saturation of 50 percent and again I told the mother that we would try. We transferred the only oxygen we had from the first baby, who was slightly better, but still in need of oxygen, to the second baby. Then, there was no electricity overnight to run the oxygen concentrator, so I was surprised to see that the second infant was still alive the next day.
Miraculously, both babies survived. “We treat, God heals.”