Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Holy Family

The 26th of December was the Feast of the Holy Family.  It is always interesting to hear what the priest is going to say about the readings on this day.  

However, we were really surprised when the priest announced that there were going to be 23 marriages during Mass.  This was not a Las Vegas style group wedding.  Each couple took their vows individually, exchanged rings, and had their blessing and applause.  Needless to say, Mass was a little long that day (more than 3 hours!), but the kids did very well, despite not being able to see much.  The brides all wear their traditional dress and then a white veil. 

Many couples here are together, but not officially married, so the priest was very happy that so many couples were getting married.  His homily was excellent and he remarked that we should look to the Holy Family as our model for marriage.  The Holy Family did have to endure many trials in their life together from doubt over an immaculate conception to living in a foreign land to having a child that they had to let go of.  

Loving God, help us to look to the Holy Family as a source of inspiration for our own marriages.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas and New Years greetings to everyone!

Christmas crept up on our kids too.  We had been lighting a Christmas candle each day at mealtime that was counting down the days to Christmas and reading a little book every night that was also an ornament for our little tree.  Yet, when we were putting out cookies and milk for Santa, Elizabeth (who is almost 7) said, “You mean Santa is coming tonight!”  Then our kids who are 7 and younger slept until 6:45 on Christmas morning.  Quite amazing! 

We had a Christmas Day dinner with some of the other volunteers who are here over the holidays.  We did not make tamales which is the traditional food in Guatemala for this time of year.  We are going to learn how to make tamales this weekend, so maybe next year...