Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Journey to Mission

When I reflect on my journey to mission work, it started when I was very young although I did not know it. It began with my parents as examples of love and service. As a youth and young adult, I was blessed with a very alive, interactive experience of the Catholic Church, a church that moved and inspired me to follow Christ‘s example. I was fortunate to attend schools that taught me my faith and again a spirit of service. After graduating from college, I joined a volunteer program and had the opportunity to do a year of service and to live in community. Finally, I went to medical school where Brent and I met and we found that we shared the same call. In my journey to mission work, I had many opportunities growing up, many chances to hear Christ’s call in my life.

However, there is also a part of this journey that I cannot explain, that is beyond the concrete
experiences that have influenced me. I do not like the unknown. I would not describe myself as adventurous. I am easily ruffled by little things. I would like to live closer to my family. I like things to be clean. I have many faults. I am not holy. My faith is not strong. Yet, for me, there is some undeniable, indescribable pull to be a missionary. Life would be easier in many ways if this was not the call I heard. However, with a measure of God‘s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, I can journey through the unknown and into the mission field and answer my call.

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